Friday, March 09, 2007


Hey cool, I'm twenty. Not a teenager anymore, but not offically a legal adult. Stuck in the middle, a interdimension. Lol.

Thanks everyone who are friends, thank the family and all the dead ancestors whom without I wouldn't be here, thank my few old enemies, thank all the people I spoke to on the street, on the train, in classes, passing notes, not remembering my old name, the cool cats in the community, the girls that just didn't work out with, my computer, my dead goldfishes, little buddha, Charles Swartz, Charlie Brown, my Ping Pong opponents, thanks Xbox Live, thanks overpriced totalitarian Stony Brook meal plan, thank Greenwich village for being so awesome, thanks my mini-romances on the LIRR, thanks my fasination with photography, and thank the many more people I will annoy, bother, push, shove, cry, argue, but eventually converse, chat, hug, kiss, cuddle, and love.

I'm a private eye this year btw. Here comes 21 passing by so soon to even tell you that I'm allergic to alcohol. Good night, and good fucking luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy belated birthday. 27 will pass by sooner than 21.