I went out this weekend in Jersey with MyBirthdayPony. I had the weekend of my life and I felt I evolved as a person and my charisma that I didn't know existed before blossomed. I won't say no more though, here is the full Field Report for my readers. Enjoy, its a bit long, but it's so worth it.
FR: A Weekend with MyBirthdayPony
by theScribe
I been a devoted reader to Anthony’s (MBP) How to Get Girls blog for a few months now. It was like a breath of fresh air from all the blogs that are either full of bragging or just dull. He writes in a way that appeals both to a curious browser looking for dating tips or a seasoned pickup artist. Anthony speaks to you as if he respects you, does nothing to belittle you, and you already are in the know. After reading his blog for a few months, I decided to personally thank him for his effort and messaged him a Thank you for his wonderful blog.
I was surprised to find him reply the next morning and we had a little chat. He gave me his number to call him to speak to him personally. I asked him some questions and he would answer it with gusto in his voice as if he lived to learn about social dynamics and share his wisdom with others. I started calling him often and once he even had me approach pretty girls at my college with my cellphone in my hand so he can hear what the girl and I was saying. Besides being my mentor, he was a great friend that encouraged me even when I was down on myself. In December he invited me to his home for the weekend, I postponed it to January when I had more free time. He said he wanted to treat it like a bootcamp and to help me out with picking up women and overcome my fears.
I want to share that experience with you guys, here it is:
Friday was the shortest day because I had to arrive in the evening coming back from ice skating. I got lost on the NJT train and flew pass my stop and about a long half an hour later, Anthony drove by and flashed his headlights, I approached cautiously and recognized a familiar face (this was the second time we would meet in person). Apparently he was late to a New Jersey Devils game that he had an extra ticket for, and as we sped off to the game, Anthony told me about this book he had been reading lately that helped him a lot. The book was called Impro, he went over a few quotes from the book and shared some of the knowledge he obtained from it.
We arrived at the hockey game, long story short, we almost died when the hockey players slammed into our panel and cracked the glass and the Devils won against the Thrashers 2-1. We decided to hook up with two of Anthony’s friends and head to a hookah bar afterwards to chill and perhaps get a few approaches in.
The place was awesome, a modern looking lounge with live musicians stirring up the crowd and full of cheery college students. We met up with Anthony’s friend, Brittany and her friend Jenn (Anthony had only briefly met Jenn and never talked with her before) and was lead to the back VIP style as Brittany use to work there as a manager. I greeted the two Arab guys standing there (they later told me they were Egyptian) and we sat down on the stairs as Brittany made us drinks. Anthony was flirting with Jenn as I was chatting up the Egyptian brothers who was related to the owner (one of them was named Abraham). This isn’t too much directly related to picking up girls, but I do notice one thing in the culture difference as the Abraham was passionately telling me about his 10 years in America and handling his American, now divorced wife when they were together. I noticed as he talked that he stood about half an arms distance away (almost touching my nose), I felt like he was very confident of himself and I felt a closer bond to him as I spoke. Comfort zones are a big thing in any given social interaction, and vary from country to country. Learn from it.
Anthony was now chatting up the waitresses who seemed to be taking a break all at once, I spoke to Jenn and since I saw how confident Abraham was, I decided to sit very close to her and get some kino going. I talked about school stuff and other things I don’t remember, but it wasn’t much. She seemed to feel very comfortable with me and that in turn made me comfortable. Brittany came by later and used my shoulder as a stepping stone as she went up the stairs, something which I take as why she is friends with Anthony, a girl that doesn’t give a rats ass about what people think of her is a very sexy thing indeed.
Anthony signaled me outside to talk and get some fresh air. I am having a blast so far in the night and we didn’t even approach any sets yet, I think Anthony wanted to make me feel comfortable on the first night and warm up to speaking with friends of friends first before I am thrown into the lions den which I am sure of tomorrow. He was acting like his confident and fun self and took Jenn’s jacket which looked alarmingly small on him, I gave him my leather jacket and he stacked that on too.
He went to check out the bar next door with this crazy outfit and in front there was this AMOG with slicked back hair standing at the front door, I didn’t see exactly what happened, but Anthony said he touched his jacket and told Brittany that it was a really cool style, then turned around and asked the guy where he got it, the AMOG said a friend. The guy got really threatened and didn’t smile at all and did his standing up tough and alpha male thing and said “So you want my number now right?”
Anthony realized what was going on, and he wasn’t about to let an AMOG ruin our moods, so he smiled and told him that he wanted to know him better before he got his number. Anthony walked away and we made a few jokes about the guy and laughed it off, there is no such thing as an AMOG to Anthony. We went back inside and Abraham invited me to with him as the employees were eating and offered me some food, I spoke with him and introduced myself to some more people as I watched Anthony and Jenn on the couches.
I didn’t expect to learn much this night, but I went over to Anthony and Jenn and I realize that he was putting the moves on her. I sat down and we all had our feet up high. It was a very playful convo, and the kino was at an all time high. Anthony said I was in the “cool club” and if she wanted in she would have to do certain things, so they did a few games and stuff, Anthony kept asking things and acting like its not a big deal. He put her leg over his (she has a BF) and she asked if this was part of the “cool thing” that she has to do, he said yes, and they continued to flirt. Jenn did some flirting too, she massaged Anthony’s knee and then my knee too. The atmosphere was sexually charged even as Brittany was having a noisy employee meeting on the table next to us.
I always had trouble knowing what to do when a girl is alone with me, I learned so much about sexual escalation that night when I least expected to. The most important thing is making it NOT SUCH A BIG DEAL, and the girl will follow, because an alpha leads by example. I had met great people that night, and had a blast, I wasn’t sure if Anthony intended it to be part of the boot camp, but I had already learned so much just from watching, it is a very rare opportunity to actually see sexual vibe and escalation in action (for obvious reasons) and I was happy to see it first hand how Anthony does it.
That night, we went back to his dad’s house in the suburbs and he went over the "Impro" book with me, reading the passages he had bookmarked that was relevant to game and I highly recommend the book too as I am going to get a copy ASAP.
One of the things the book teaches is to BE AVERAGE. And it is this mindset that drives us to perform our best. If a rookie comedian is trying to be really funny and want to REALLY impress the audience, he has already put a mass amount of pressure on himself to perform, and this pressure leads to nervousness because we want to be perfect. If you have a mindset where you want just want to be average, you give yourself some breathing space and you will actually perform better.
One can identify when we try TOO hard to be funny and having nobody laugh; I realize that the times people crack up are when I didn’t even realize I had cracked a joke. The same works in pickup, don’t try too hard to think of what routines or words you should say, be organic, don’t be a perfect robot. Make mistakes.
Another thing that really stood out for me was the circle of expectation. Whether being on stage as a comedian or being in a conversation with a pretty girl, one has to keep the routine or convo in the circle of expectation. Instead of finding the most unique or great material to talk about, take the regular conversation that is “dull” and “mundane” and turn it into gold. For example, if a good comedian and a bad comedian was asked to make a joke about Mars. The bad comedian would say something like, “Omg, its my mother!”, where as the good comedian keeps within the circle of expectation and jokes about more obvious things like the weather on mars or martian hats. The mother joke is so far out of the audience’s circle of expectation that they cannot identify, let along laugh at it. It immediately comes off as try hard.
We went over some other things that night too, but for the sake of keeping length and not having my brain overload, Mybirthdaypony will do a blog on that. Go read the book too, “Impro” and “Impro for storytellers”. I fell asleep on the couch at 4 am. that night.
This was definitely the most stressful but educational day of the weekend. It felt like the pain stage, and definitely one of the hardest things to overcome is social anxiety. We left the house at about 12 and Anthony went over a few things in the car and the whole time I was nervous what he was about to do to me. Stopping at what Anthony calls a “High Quality fast food” sandwich shop, Anthony sometimes scares me how much he doesn't care about what people think of him. He started singing loudly when he walked into the store, perhaps to make me more comfortable and realizing that nobody really cares. He had me do the first exercise, as we waited for our orders, he worked on my body language and not to be scared of people around you when chatting up a hot girl -- in fact, you WANT them to hear you. We were chatting and Anthony suddenly jumped to the next table to ask them about their sandwich and sat with them for a few pleasantries and came back.
“See? You shouldn’t be scared of the people around you; they aren’t as scary as you think. In fact, you WANT them to hear you!”
He wanted to work on my approach body language, so he told me to walk over to the counter and walk back and greet HIM as if I were a stranger. I felt really stupid and insecure with all these people around me watching me (most of them aren’t btw), but he was the birthdaypony and you don’t say no to that. I made the first approach, walked up and then no words came out of my mouth, he said start over again, I approached and said hi, it didn’t feel right, MBP said I was too robotic. I kept doing this, and kept doing it, and kept doing it, each time feeling less self conscious and more confident and eventually, he said something that really clicked.
“Walk up to me like you are my friend and you just found me here.”
I thought how I would approach my friend, and then I braced for impact.
JC: Hey! *punch shoulder* I know you!
MBP: You do?
JC: Yeah!
MBP: Really? From where?
JC: I don’t know, you look so familiar…
MBP: Maybe
JC: Gosh, you look too familiar
MBP: Well, sit down anyway and remind me.
Anthony said that although I didn’t really know him, I had an intriguing enough of a presence for him to invite me to sit down, he said he also liked the little friendly punch in the beginning which made him feel comfortable and me looking very amiable. The other approaches I threw my scarf over his head, and just felt more and more confident. The secret is, you have to already KNOW this person and they will in turn feel comfortable with you. Commitment. Instead of being a robot and doing what’s appropriate and nice or having what the community telling you what to do, you should put as much COMMITMENT into your approaches as possible.
“Go and be so much YOU that it oozes out of your f**k pores.”
CHARISMA is the essence of a successful approach, because realize that what attracts girls in the first place, is not what’s cool or what’s right, but letting her know that you are different from all the other men because you can display charisma to them. The sandwich and soup were pretty good, Anthony played with some kid and their parents and we left for the mall.
I slammed the door of Anthony’s car and tried to pump myself up as we walked towards the scary mall. I was feeling nervous and I know this Birthdaypony is going to make me do a lot of things I don’t want to. I been in the community for over a year and the reason I haven’t been even close to average yet is that I been fearing and dodging (and instead KJing) all this time. There is no other way to get better except getting out there and facing the fear head on.
Anthony probably sensed my fear and all of a sudden, he grabbed my hand and proceeded to skip in great strides through the mall all while yelling out in a high childish voice, "Yayyy!!” I was a little hesitant at first but I started skipping too and it put me in a silly, happy, not give any shit mood, which was exactly what I needed. The mall security guard walking by couldn’t help but laugh, people were staring at us as we were obviously making a scene but I didn’t care. Anthony wanted to put a smile on people’s faces and put me in a relaxed mood as well. You can do whatever you want, and it is up honestly up to you what YOU think of it, nobody stopped us or neither did we hurt anybody’s feelings.
I felt a bit more comfortable and then we went right to work. We walked into the CVS inside the mall, and Anthony made his first demonstration. (I am going to tell it as it is and not make it sound like Anthony pumped me full of go happy medicine)
He went right up and chatted up a cute girl looking at shampoo, I wasn’t sure what he said because I was down the aisle pretending to look at some women’s conditioner, he said something, she said something, and then I chuckled when Anthony took a bottle of hand cream right off the shelve, squirted some on his hand and said “Oh, I don’t know why I did that” The girl said she didn’t know why either. It was hilarious, perfect warm up set. So Anthony proceeded on, with cream smeared hands and hooked the elbow of an older girl and her friend with a big smile and asked what they were shopping for.
I noticed that a big commitment like that (JM emphasizes full commitment) actually LOWERED their guard and showed the girls just how charismatic and confident Anthony really was. Perhaps unconsciously he was demonstrating that you don’t have to be all perfect (Remember, BE AVERAGE!) and that even the legendary Birthdaypony does silly stuff and messes up sometimes (yeah like the hand cream… what was THAT about?)
They had a brief chat and exchanged a few laughs and Anthony said goodbye. He said it was my turn to shine, I thought it was time to bury my head.
He walked me to this set and I didn’t approach, so he walked over to them and said the first thing that was in his mind. He didn’t plan the approach (planning leads to hesitation, BE AVERAGE, Be spontaneous, be IMPERFECT!)
so he simply asked the girl holding a can of Red Bull, “Is that the bigger sized Red Bull?”
They exchanged pleasantries and Anthony asked her if he can have one, she gave him hers, but the Pony wanted more and asked her to bring him one from over there. He was holding hers and smeared hand cream all over hers (I’m wondering what she thought as she started drinking it later on) as he was talking to the HBRedBull’s friend. She came back and Anthony had the girls introduce themselves to me. After a bit more laughs and exchanges, I was sitting back and feeling a bit shy as the pony asked what they were doing afterwards. They said they were going to meet up with their friends upstairs, Anthony said he wanted to meet their friends too and go shop with them and we walked with them.
I was surprised how easily it was to get people to do stuff when you ask like it’s no big deal. We followed them upstairs and met their friends, these two other girls (bringing our combined group to 4 girls and 2 guys) and it felt a bit awkward following Anthony and introducing myself to them (its always more natural when you are the one leading). We all went into a hip-hop style clothing store and we looked around for a bit. Anthony came over to me and told me he was going ignore them for a while to see if they leave to test their commitment. They left not surprisingly; I didn’t feel these girls are that great anyway. We went off to another part of the mall and Anthony told me that I had to approach for every one he does.
I did a few half assed approaches which mostly I ejected myself after asking a question. I don’t remember much of them in detail, but it wasn’t until the 5 or 6 of the probably 10 I did that day that I started to get into the rhythm of it and hated it less. Anthony kept telling me to try and venue change and get more commitment from them (Compliance in other words) I asked these girls to go shopping with me at the Sharper Image and we went around the store to look at some stuff. The conversation stalled out and so I stalled and left.
The best interaction I had that day was at this cooking supplies store. I was feeling a little better and spotted a girl wearing to me what looks like really cute Pajama pants. I opened her with curiosity and she seemed surprisingly into the conversation. I made sure I kinoed her a lot and moved her around for a bit, then I took her around the store a little to look at things, but she eventually met up with her mom and I introduced myself to mom and ejected. That one was the best one of the day, the one I started to really ENJOY and not have it feel like work.
Anthony and I took a break for some burritos, and I forgot to mention the whole day he was throwing compliments at passing people and playfully chatting up kids, I like that giving mentality. Pickup is something that only works when you are giving and not thinking of yourself. I realize that even though I didn’t get further with that girl, I hope at least I would have made her feel great about her choice of silly Pajama pants that day.
We went back later that day and went over a few more things in the car and then for almost two hours at his house, mostly about relating and rewarding. He hit me with a topic and I would try to relate on it, we did some role playing where we would each take turns to be the girl and approach each other. This was probably one of the most useful exercises I did on the weekend and it really hit me when he told me that I relate on the EMOTION and not the topic as I been doing all my life.
For example, when a girl says that she likes music, you shouldn’t relate about the music itself but the emotions that you associate with music. People relate to emotions, and it doesn’t matter if you have the most detailed story about the time you went to an Incubus concert, if it lacks emotional content for people to relate to, the listener will doze off and perhaps only listen to you out of respect.
Another major thing I learned and realized, which is just as ESSENTIAL to your game is that you make the conversation about YOU AND HER, not brother, friend, mother, or Anthony. Don’t relate with something about your friend did or your brother did, relate with something you personally felt! The Key to good game.
We were set for night game but when we got there, all of the bars at Morristown card and we were disappointed. At the diner that night over my meatloaf, Anthony made me promise him that since that we didn’t do night game; I would have to step up my game to compensate for it.
I feel like the week is far from over as I dive further into the rabbit hole.
Today was the day I felt like I broke out of the cocoon and did what I thought was impossible. I felt like I had evolved as a person.
We drove to the Ocean County Mall, the fabled place where some of the hottest girls of New Jersey hang out. The drive from Randolph to Ocean County took about an hour and a half and on this ride Anthony went over another exercise that seriously had a great impact on my game. It was a game that teaches you how to relate to an emotion. He would say a certain emotion (Nervousness, Fear, Excitement, etc) and I would have to scan my brain for an experience with that emotion and tell it to him. The second exercise was him telling me a statement, and I would have to find the emotion in that statement and tell him a similar experience with that emotion.
I did this for most of the car ride and it helped me so much. It made me realize a fatal flaw in my game that I could now kill. I was being too wordy and telling the listeners every detail and fact of a story when I was just putting the listener to sleep. Good stories aren’t the most detailed ones; they are the ones that have raw emotional content. I go see movies for the same reason, I realize I can trim so much from a paragraph to a sentence or two and still have the same or even more powerful effect. It was such a big realization for me in my relating skills.
The most effective public speakers and conversationalists aren’t the most long winded, they are the ones that make it the shortest and sweetest it can possibly be.
We arrived at the mall as Anthony went on about all the dense population of cute girls here, he said, there was so many cute girls, even the shy guys get hot girlfriends. From what I saw at the mall that day, that was indeed a fact. I saw fat and totally fuggly guys hooked up with sexy girls, it made me kind of nervous, but that’s a part of my education baby! We went into the store and Anthony wanted to work a bit on my body language because of my patented, signature “JC tiptoe” when I approach a hot girl. He made me take up space and swing my arms that I felt air between my arms and walk as if I my arms and legs were extended five times their length and simply needed to move stuff aside just to move any where, it reminds me of how Clint Eastwood would walk as he is ready to draw his peacemaker. So it’s sort of like a very friendly version of Mr. Eastwood minus the pistols. We were off to the main mall section and ready to rumble.
We walked into a video store where Anthony came behind a sales girl and playfully taught her how to smile correctly for the customers walking in, some hugs ensued, and the girl said that she was cool too and showed Anthony that she can hug as well as her coworker can, really cool stuff. Making the world a better place.
It wasn’t approach anxiety, but sort of an approach indifference that I felt hit me. I was so pumped and nervous to come to the mall and now that I am actually here I feel a bit lazy. I kind of felt like I done enough yesterday, Anthony wouldn’t let that inner voice take over me, so he tried to make me comfortable and we rested for a Texas Whopper at BK.
We got our food and Anthony said a few things that eased me a bit, he even purposely opened the table behind us with two teenage girls and got rejected on purpose. He said accept the fact of not doing perfect things, make the worst happen, try to make an interaction by not thinking about yourself, instead think of others and try to make them happy. Make them feel happy to come to Ocean County mall that day. There was a girl with a good cleavage showing sitting behind us, I was thinking of approaching her, but thought against it. I didn’t realize Anthony had noticed her already a while ago as we sat down, he went up and sat down with her.
"I am going to sit down with you," he said.
She had an “um… ok” face at first, Anthony then asked “How’s work?” and eventually smoothed her out for the conversation. They were sitting across from each other so there wasn’t much possibility for kino. She worked at the Macy’s in the mall and was telling him how bad her boss was and when she made her cry after Anthony said how all bosses are bad. MBP continued to escalate the conversation by using sort of an SOI, telling her how he found her earrings really sexy. She seemed to jump at this and then Anthony used a sexual barrier as he was getting up to leave:
MBP: I would ask you out, but you said you have a boyfriend.
HBCleavage: But, its not working out right now!
I remembered she had a smile on her face as she said that, it was beautiful. Anthony said he purposely used textbook Charisma Arts method to show that this stuff actually works. And I am seeing in first person of how wonderful it all gels together in reality. Relating, Sexual barriers, SOI, it was amazing to see it in action -- all in 5 minutes!
I finally made an approach after grabbing my balls and walking into Express. Anthony warned me, you are not getting out of this store without making your first approach. He then walked off with an expectant swagger and I felt the pressure. This was game time. Stalking the gazelle or making people happy, I choose. There was a cute Spanish girl folding jeans in the back, she looked so bored, so unhappy, she needed an alpha male to bring a smile to her life, I am no longer the seductionist, I don’t want anything from her, so I won’t use any routines or anything like that, I am going to make the worst happen because if I can be her laughing stock of the day, at least I made one person happy. I happily approached, and this time I didn’t tiptoe.
JC: Do you really have to fold ALL those jeans?
HBJeans: *with a grin* Unfortunately, yes…
JC: Wow, how many more do you have to do?
HBJeans: *she walked over to the pile* This whole thing.
JC: No way, this job blows doesn’t it?
HBJeans: Yeah, it does.
JC: I remember the time I worked in a restaurant, it was such a shitty job with the customers yelling at me and spilling hot soup on my hands…
HBJeans: Ouch, where did you work?
JC: In Chinatown, in New York.
HBJeans: Wow, where do you live?
She seemed happy that she had somebody to speak with as she did her folding, I actually felt less comfortable standing there than her, so I plopped myself next to her so I can get some kino going and see how much more fun I can have with her. I was chatting her up, and I saw Anthony doing his innocent shopping and examining my approach, I introduce them to each other, her name was Melissa and Anthony hugged her and then walked off with a “I’ll leave you two alone to talk more”.
I talked with this girl, her accent was tickling my ears, and I was mesmerized by her highlights in her hair which I imagined flowing like in those cheesy movies. Anthony came by and whispered me to come over, he told me to kino more, escalate, SOI. I went in there and I wasn’t sure how to do an SOI, so I asked her about the jeans because I was genuinely interested how girls tell from a pair of good jeans to bad. She recommended me some styles and taught me some stuff, and she even turned around to look at my ass to see if my jeans fit me well. I found that sexy, a spark of inspiration. I told her that a girl giving me fashion like that is very sexy, I said a few more things and then I told her I had to go. I met up with Anthony outside and pounded my fist in euphoria; it’s a feeling that’s indescribable. My first SOI to a total stranger!
I got high on that and we automatically spotted a super cute, petite girl with nice breasts. We turned 180 and started following her. Anthony dared me to approach her, I said no way, she was so hot. She stopped at the bookstore, and we went in there, I hesitated as Anthony physically pushed me towards her. I felt so stupid, but from that approach high, I saw her, TIP-TOED (Anthony told me later on), and asked her about the book in her hands. It went fairly well, she was into writing, I love girls who read, the bookish ones. Her voice was so soft and tiny and totally melted my heart.
JC: I am looking for something good to inspire my writing.
HBBooks: Oh, what kind of stuff do you write?
JC: Dorky stuff.
HBBooks: What kind of dorky stuff?
JC: Sci fi stuff mostly.
HBBooks: Well I heard of this poet, (Pablo something) who’s really good, but I can’t seem to find him here.
JC: Wow, do you write too?
HBBooks: Not really.
JC: I thought all cute girls think they can write really good poetry, *with a big smile, a semi SOI*
HBBooks: Well… *blush*
JC: Well tell you what, come to the poetry section with me so we can find it, *Kino
She followed me to the poetry section and she did indeed found the author, the conversation stalled a bit at this point and she said she had to go, I let her go, but the pleasure was mine. (I also looked through the book and I am going to pick up a copy of this).
I thought Anthony had intercepted her or something, but when I met up with him he said he didn’t, he wanted to know how my interaction went instead. We did a few more sets that didn’t work out so well, (plus one really embarrassing one of me asking for my cousin’s underwear advice at Victoria’s Secrets, I’m keeping that one for me, sorry ) but I felt they were of a MUCH higher quality than yesterday and I actually stayed in set for 3 all the way to 20 minutes at a time and had a lot of fun doing them.
Pickup started to become fun!
This is the last one I am posting; this was the last approach of the weekend and the masterpiece and highlight of my week. It is the pivotal point in my game, I enjoyed every darn second of this interaction, I didn’t want anything from her except to have fun with her, and I approached her without hesitation. Here goes it:
It was towards the end of the day about half an hour before the mall was closing, I sat down with Anthony on some couches to take a break. I sat for less than one minute, then the pony made me jump out of my seat. He looked at his watch and I almost saw an evil grin.
“You have three minutes to approach, starting now, go.”
What? Really? I got up and weakly walked around while Anthony was flirting with some girls sitting next to him. I spotted Victoria Secrets and ran away, and then I went into the Gap and walked around, nothing. I spotted the familiar Old Navy; at least inside I’ll feel a bit more comfortable in there (higher end shops like AE or Abercrombie make me nervous). I walked in, expecting nothing to pop up, but there she was at the corner of my eye. A shapely brunette (my favorite!) beauty with a scarlet red scarf browsing some cute looking chili shoes. I strided to her confidently, my feet actually getting more and more excited with each passing step.
JC: I don’t know how you do that…
HBScarlett: What do you mean?
JC: That scarf, it’s so hottttt in here! *with a big smile
HBScarlett: Oh… oh… well it’s not that hot.
JC: I like that scarf, I noticed you, it’s so cute!
HBScarlett: Well thank you, I knitted it myself.
JC: Omg, how long must that have taken you?
HBScarlett: About a few months.
JC: I really like that you’re so patient to do something like that.
HBScarlett: Haha, thanks.
JC: Well, it looks so nice that I am going to try it on.
HBScarlett: Are you serious?
JC: Yep, take it off.
HBScarlett takes it off and hands it to me, I tie it on my neck.
JC: I love this thing, its so warm!
HBScarlett: What if you steal it?
JC: I will, but I don’t run that fast so you’ll probably catch me anyway (Thx Johnny!)
HBScarlett: *Laughs
JC: Well, I’m feeling a little lonely so let’s go shop together.
HBScarlett: Are you here alone?
JC: My friend is hanging around the mall somewhere doing his own thing, who are you here with?
HBScarlett: My brother.
JC: Oh, why isn’t he with you?
HBScarlett: He is at some other shop in the mall.
JC: Well, it looks like we are stuck in the same situation, we are going shopping.
I hooked her arm (thanks for inspiring me Anthony) and lifted my head up jokingly and she laughed.
I guided her around the store and decided I want to go to the men’s section.
HBScarlett: But I don’t shop there…
JC: Well you can help me look what looks good on me, lets go.
I put my clasped my hands on both of her shoulders from behind and playfully guided her around like an airplane. She can be my compass I said. We hit the men’s t-shirts and I looked around, the convo stalled a bit, and then as I was about to ask her a question she received a phone call, it was her brother telling her to regroup. She told me she had to go, I told her to give me a big hug and held out my arms expectantly, she surprised me because she gave me the tightest hug and held on longer than I expected. We separated ways and will remember our romantic interlude that day at Old navy. Au Revoir.
The mall was closing and Anthony decided to call it a day, but he thinks I can go further, he wants me to approach one more set before I leave. We spotted a lonely girl sitting at the food court, I hesitated and it didn’t felt right. I didn’t approach, but I was right, her boyfriend came by and sat down with her. It would make an interesting story though if he saw me sat down with her.
Ready for some dessert? We drove to the Jersey shoreline where Anthony’s mom lives to stay for the night, and as we were driving to this wicked eatery called Surf Taco, Anthony did an unexpected approach that I only see in romance novels, swept off her foot they say.
Long story short, we went to order taco and noticed this blonde girl that was the manager of the shop. She took our orders and Anthony didn’t even expected to pick her up. As we were waiting for the food to take out, he chatted her up casually as she was sweeping the floor and wiping the tables. The conversation was very basic but the kino was some of the most magical I ever saw.
One part that caught my interest is as Anthony was getting off the phone with someone in Surf Taco, he ended it loudly (so she could hear) with, "Alright, I want to go talk to this cute girl right now, bye," and then proceeded to go do so. Her eyes opened wide as he approached.
Anthony later told me that he felt it was on when she said he should come to an event/promotion they were having in the store soon. He rewarded her majorly as we got our salsa, and held on to her hand like a couple would. She leaned over and Anthony pulled her in and it looked straight out of a movie. Her number came out in a flash, we left her charmed and dazzled for the night.
PS: She txt msged Anthony that night, telling him that nobody was home and if he could come over. I didn’t know what happened because I was enjoying a game of scrabble with Anthony’s mom over a glass of wine and some beer, but he said that she was a very, very good girl type.
We also recorded a few podcasts for your listening and learning pleasure, here goes.
DivShare File - Attraction.mp3
DivShare File - Relating__Being_average_and_original.mp3
DivShare File - Me_going_through_the_steps_of_conversatio.mp3
DivShare File - JC_practicing_approachi. Anthony - Part 2.mp3
DivShare File - Last_day.mp3
Guys (and Gals), its great having you as my readers. You guys bring me alot of motivation with your comments and it makes my journey in social dynamics even more worthwhile. Thank you for reading and listening in, I salute you.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
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